Facing what we previously couldn’t

With similar energy to the Full Moon,

summer is a potent time to rest, reflect and review

on everything you’ve traversed and learnt thus far in Life.

For many, including myself

a lot has been surfacing…

Fear, anger, anxiety

Causing us to fight, run or freeze

and remember what we’d rather forget

But reality is simply a mirror

and if we’re discerning,

we’ll SEE…

They’re merely ECHOS

old feelings rising to the surface

rooted in the past

Present circumstance is unearthing

What was dormant in our psyche

Or hidden within the tissues

Because it’s ready to be released

We are strong enough

Open and ready now

To face what we previously couldn’t

And in that facing

(What I call witnessing)

—of our fears and feelings,

without the need to fix, blame, silence or control—

That we find freedom

and peace.

Surrender is not passive

Nor resignation

But an active willingness


To be with

Remain in

And accept…

We don’t have to like it. 

We must simply allow it….

This is the first step 

to cultivating compassion 

— or self love —

… On the road to healing

… In reparenting our inner  child

… And regulating our nervous system. 

Like life, it’s interconnected. 

“The work” on many levels. 

What is asking to be seen and witnessed in your Life? 

What emotions or memories are rising to the surface? 

Slow way down

Accomplish far less 

To first feel it

Then be with it 

And remain in it 

With no where to go 

And no one to please 

But yourself and the moment 

With practice 

And patience 

It will come alive 

And so too will you! 

When all feels trying 

Keep showing up 

Do what needs to be done 

You are preparing and building the foundation 

That will hold you 

And centre you 

As your journey unfolds. 

Your destiny is being born. 

Love on The Way,



Transforming Trauma into Soul Power


Vehicle of Manifestation